Your Objection

Your Objection

Application Deadline

The consulation period for the application ends on the 3rd of March 2025.

That means all objections need to be submitted (by email or by filling in the comment form on the planning portal - see below) by  Monday the 3rd of March 2025.

How to View The Application

Details of the planning application are available on the Suffolk County Council planning portal at:

(scroll down and click "Accept")

The portal will display the application details and you can submit a comment objecting to the application by clicking the "Comment on this application" link (

This link will open a comment form which you can fill in and send off.

You can see these steps in our Guidance document

The other way to object is to send an email to the planning officer Andy Rutter on

Don't be alarmed by the "Consultation Expiry" date of 26/10/2023 - this is default  date, and in reality objections can be sent in right up to the date the application is considered by the planning committee.

Below are some objection letter templates we have put together to give you a starting point for your objection (Microsoft Word format):

Here is the Muck Off Acorn campaign's objection document, which you can consult for an idea of what to write:

Struggling to submit your objection?

If you'd like help to submit your objection for any reason, then email the campaign on:

and we will do our best to provide guidance and help.

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