Indy Wijenayaka:
Dear Muck Off Acorn community group, and supporters,
I oppose the proposal put forward by Acorn and the Thurlow Estate to turn Spring Grove Farm into one of the biggest Anaerobic Digester (AD) plants in Britain. The location is completely inappropriate for the development proposed. I also whole-heartedly support the work of the campaign.
In order to further detail my position I have attached a further statement and if you wish to also publish this, please do as I feel it is important for people to recognise why I hold the opinion that I do.
Indy Wijenayaka
Your Labour District Council Candidate
April 2023
Dear Muck Off Acorn community group, and supporters,
I oppose the proposal put forward by Acorn and the Thurlow Estate to turn Spring Grove Farm into one of the biggest Anaerobic Digester (AD) plants in Britain. The location is completely inappropriate for the development proposed. I also whole-heartedly support the work of the campaign.
In order to further detail my position and if you wish to also publish the following, please do as I feel it is important for people to recognise why I hold the opinion that I do.
I’ve opposed it from the very beginning because I could immediately visualise that it would have a deep and long lasting impact on us by causing:
● an increase in HGV and farm traffic on the A1307, surrounding roads and through the village of Withersfield,
● massive visual impacts on the side of the valley due to the five 16.5 metre high by 34 metre wide fermentation tanks, taller than the Epicentre and as tall as 4½ double decker buses stacked on top of each other,
● potential water and air pollution from the silage clamps, and
● noise and light pollution from the general operation of the plant.
● it is against the aims of the local plan of West Suffolk,
● It is against the Waste and Minerals plan of Suffolk County Council and
● It is against the draft Neighbourhood plan of the parish of Withersfield
● methane is a more potent Green House Gas than Carbon Dioxide, so why deliberately produce more?
● methane burns and gives off Carbon Dioxide, which runs contrary to declared a climate change emergency
● this will delay the U.K. moving away from burning fossil fuels and slow down the adoption of truly renewal and environmentally friendlier energy sources
● the full carbon footprint of the plant needs to be taken into consideration, including during the construction phase and during harvest times, including carbon dioxide released through ploughing the crops, this is only way to truly know if the operations will be carbon neutral and when they point might occur, if the construction phase is heavily carbon positive
● the figures put forward by Acorn Bioenergy are not fully clear , they have stated previously that the plant with power 7000 homes or 270 HGVs, that means they can not fully power the number of HGVs required for their operations.
West Suffolk District Council and Suffolk County Council need to consider the following issues:
● the potential loss of growth and jobs if clients of the EpiCentre are impacted by the plant
● the potential loss of business to both pubs in the local area
● the potential loss of growth and investment to the area, especially to Haverhill
● the potential impact on the nursery opposite the site
● the impact it would have on the residents closest to it, of which are are many within 500m of the site
● what happens from 2025 when gas boilers are phased out and the gas grid is reduced going forward ?
● what happens when crops used as the feedstock fail due to the high temperatures of recent summers exceed 30 degrees and even 40 degrees on some days, will the digester be able to produce methane?
● will the Thurlow Estate start growing maize crops, if so what impact will this have on soil erosion and flooding?
● are there more environmentally friendly crops that could be used as a break crop , such as a herbal ley which provides a greater food source for pollinators compared to maize.
The community has genuine concerns that need addressing and unfortunately we haven’t received these as yet, and based on the proposal put forward we have valid grounds to object. The community hasn’t been scaremongering or spreading false accusations, we have been genuinely concerned and exercising our rights as members of the community and I applaud all those who have been part of and supported the Muck Off Acorn campaign.
If I am elected as your district councillor this community will have a stronger voice to oppose the AD facility. I will continue to take a leading role in the Muck Off Acorn campaign group, giving it a stronger voice and giving our community the best chance of defeating the proposals.
We have to take this opportunity to use our votes to save our community.
Indy Wijenayaka
Your Labour District Council Candidate